Friday, June 22, 2007

I´m here

Hi! I´m here in Cayambe, Ecuador for the next 10 wks fçof training! Wont have access to internet but once per week at most, but will try to keep you all updated! im safe and sound and having a blast.
all my carino,


Anonymous said...

hey sarah! sorry i missed your call but the number you gave me doesn't work, so..try again i suppose. hope to hear from you soon!


Anonymous said...


So glad to hear you made the trip safely and will look forward to continued updates.

We think of you often and hope you will visit with us when you complete your tour with the Peace Corp.

Love -

Meredith and Darryl
Daytona Beach

Elizabeth said...
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Anonymous said...

Ah! I'm so glad you are there! I'm thinking about you all the time and can't wait to hear an update! Just sent you a rather long email, don't worry if you don't have time to respond. Glad you are safe and miss you SO much!!

Also, I got confused on the commenting and deleted my own comment, my apologies.